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Suzanne Von Borsody Eltern

German Actress Suzanne von Borsody - Multifaceted and Beloved

Early Life and Career

Suzanne von Borsody, born on 23rd September 1957, hails from a prominent theatrical family in Germany. She is the daughter of renowned actors Hans von Borsody and Rosemarie Fendel.

Breakthrough and Collaborations

Suzanne von Borsody made her television debut in 1964. Her breakthrough came in the 1990s, when she starred alongside her then-partner, actor Heino Ferch, in several successful film projects.

Personal Life and Achievements

Suzanne von Borsody's personal life has been marked by two significant relationships. From 1990 to 1999, she was romantically involved with Heino Ferch. Since 2014, she has been happily partnered with Jens Schniedenharn.

Versatility and Accolades

Suzanne von Borsody is celebrated for her versatility and ability to portray a wide range of characters. Her performances have earned her numerous accolades and recognition throughout her illustrious career.
