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How To Make A Ninja Star In Little Alchemy 2

Little Alchemy 2: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Ninja

Step-by-Step Cheats and Hints

Embark on an enchanting journey in Little Alchemy 2, where you can create an array of elements, including the elusive Ninja. Follow our comprehensive guide to simplify this process and unlock the secrets of alchemy.

Creating a Ninja: Two Expeditious Methods

There are two primary ways to conjure a Ninja in Little Alchemy 2. The first, and more direct, route involves combining a Shuriken with a Human. This straightforward formula yields a Ninja with ease.

For those seeking a quicker approach, a Ninja can be obtained by combining Iron and Wood to create a Sword, then fusing the Sword with a Human. This swift method allows you to skip the intermediate step of crafting a Shuriken.

Beyond Creation: Unlocking Ninja's Potential

Once you have mastered the art of creating Ninjas, explore the possibilities of combining them with other elements. Experiment with the following combinations to discover new wonders:

  • Ninja + Wood → Archer
  • Ninja + Fire → Fire Ninja
  • Ninja + Water → Water Ninja

As you delve deeper into the world of Little Alchemy 2, you will encounter numerous challenges and unlock countless secrets. Remember, experimentation and curiosity are the keys to unlocking the full potential of the game.


Armed with these step-by-step cheats and hints, you are now equipped to venture into the realm of Little Alchemy 2 and craft a Ninja with confidence. Master the art of combining elements and unlocking their hidden potential, and you will become a true alchemist of extraordinary prowess.
